You’re So Basic

Have you ever heard someone say, “That’s so basic,” using it in a condescending tone, as if to say what they’re referring to is common and unworthy of attention? But what is basic is worthy of attention, and in fact, essential.

Basic can mean “simple”, and simple isn’t bad. I’m discovering that simple is what success looks like. Success shouldn’t be complicated if I’m doing what I’m equipped to do, and operating in the strength I am equipped to do it with. But simple as it is, it may not be easy. Think about doing bicep curls with dumbbells. Lifting the weights is simple. You just raise and lower them. It's not complicated, really. It doesn’t require much coordination. It’s hard because of the resistance the weight provides, and it gets harder if you add more weight. So the simple, “basic” act of lifting weights can make you stronger. Do you see where this is going? If we keep doing “basic” things over and over again, we gain strength in those areas. And our baseline is elevated by our consistency. I came across a quote the other day that said in a nutshell that what you do as your workout today will become your warm-up tomorrow. Basic evolves.

When you’re building a house, the foundation usually looks like one big slab. It’s not impressive. Even the foundation of a skyscraper is pretty…basic, but that’s exactly what it needs to be. It’s what you build on the foundation that is impressive. Without that basic foundation, the whole building would eventually crumble from its own weight. All the gorgeous glass windows, the décor, the wallpaper, the furniture, the bells and whistles would be a pile of rubble on top of that “basic” foundation. And do you know what the awesome thing is about a good, basic foundation? If it’s set up right and everything on it crumbles, you can clean up the damage and build again on that same foundation.

Collins dictionary says the word “basic” can be used to describe what is necessary and depended on. That sounds important to me! We are so drawn to the big, shiny things in Life that we often neglect the small things. We want to be the CEO, the Attorney, the Athlete or whatever else, but don’t always see that these people all started on their journeys by doing simple things that lay the foundation for who they became. We also see some people’s Lives crumble because they didn’t have a foundation to support all they built. Success is built, first on a foundation, and then brick by brick, based on a plan. God has a plan for you. Tap into Him and let Him lay the blueprint out. He’s already provided all the materials, equipment and resources you will need. There’s a reason you don’t see the skyscrapers floating in mid-air. They need a foundation. If you want to build something that will last, you have to give it something to stand on. Let God be your foundation.

So, yes… You’re basic. God put us on this earth to worship and serve Him and to be in relationship with each other and to benefit each other. You are fundamental to someone else’s Life. You are important. You are needed. You are necessary because you have a purpose. There is a unique thing about you that the world needs. You are laying the foundation for someone else to build something on. Generations will benefit because of you. So if anybody ever calls you “basic”, thank them, and thank God.


In the Dark


A New Normal