Let it burn 🔥
God isn’t like us.
He doesn’t move on to a new thing without dealing with the old thing first. God doesn’t travel with “baggage.”
God will keep you in the same place until you let go of what He doesn’t want you to travel with. Sometimes it feels like Life is holding you back. Like it’s one thing after another. But when you set aside the old things… When you put down what you’ve been carrying and pick up what God has for you, things will look a lot better.
But you have to see with spiritual eyes. Sometimes things look like they’re falling apart. Look at it and ask God to show you what HE is doing. We can fight against the falling apart, clinging desperately to what is falling out of our hands… And not know we’re actually fighting against what God is going.
The new thing you’re praying for is within the undoing that God is doing. Trust the process. Let Him have His way. God won’t force His way on you. He wants you to trust Him, especially when you see fire.
Believing in God and believing God are not the same thing. When the fire is crackling loudly and it’s all we can hear, God is quietly asking, “Do you trust Me?”
In Isaiah 43:2 God says, “When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Stop looking at the fires in your Life and welcome the Fire of the Holy Spirit into your Life. The Fire of God will consume the fire set by the enemy as a distraction to take your focus off where God is taking you. The devil wants to choke you and block your vision with smoke so you can’t see your way. Satan wants you stuck in cycles, circling the base of the mountain God is telling you to speak to in faith and command it to move.
You don’t have to be confused in a “wilderness” season. It might feel like you’re wandering, but God led the Israelites “by night in a pillar of fire to give them light” (Exodus 13:21). If everything in your Life has gone dark, follow God’s Fire.
Know that even if it looks like everything is burning up, God will restore it all. And when God restores, you will come out of the fire and won’t even smell like smoke. In fact, God will bring you out of His Fire carrying more in you than what burned up around you. So, let it burn.
The enemy’s fire destroys.
God’s Fire purifies, and multiplies.
Choose your fire. 🔥