The “New Thing”

New month.

New mindset.

I’m going to be real. Sadly, many of us adopt a new mindset based on old disappointment.

“They will never hurt/disrespect/use me like that again.”

“I learned my lesson.”

“It is what it is. I’ll make the best of it.”

And the classic…

“I have to depend on myself.”

Lies from the pit of hell!!!

Don’t let your pain predict your future. And don’t let your preferences predict your patterns. You’ll end up with more of the same. Instead, fuel your future by faith. God has more for you and has placed more in you to do. This isn’t about your potential. God already knows what you’re capable of. The real question is…do you? And do you believe you are here to have impact beyond the day-to-day, the bills and the ordinary cares of Life? God is interested in those things but He’s invested in your PURPOSE. He wants you to know Him so you can flow with Him to fulfill the plan He has for your Life.

Negative circumstances can absolutely light a fire under you that can prompt you to make positive change. But watch your mindset. If chaos and drama drive you to change, you will seek chaos and drama in order to make changes happen. And you won’t understand why it always seems like there’s chaos and drama around you. You won’t understand how to grow, heal and live from a positive place. The Bible talks about peacemakers being blessed (Matthew 5:9). Do you know that it can take a battle to create the peace you seek? And the battle isn’t with people. We don’t wrestle with flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). The battle is spiritual. That’s the battle you need to invite God to fight for you and with you. You have to fight for your blessing. A mindset that “moves on, but still carries disappointment will keep you stuck in a cycle of pain. Letting go of the past so you can heal and hope for the future is key.

God needs you healed and whole for you to live the thriving and abundant Life He planned for you. You partner with Him by first believing that, and then acting like it. You partner with Him by stretching yourself to do exactly what you don’t want to - submit your struggle. Let go of the thing you’re trying to fix, so God can fix you.

Many of you are seeking elevation and validation. Those things come only from God. He may supernaturally perform this for you, but He most often uses people do to it. Don’t be so eager for the validation and approval of man that you miss hearing The Voice of the One Who has already validated you by your very existence.

I’ll leave you with this…

Stop looking for the “new thing.” God has already done it. God back and listen to what He already said. Your Bible is a good start.

Hope this helps.

Blessings on your journey.


Compassion and Forgiveness


Let it burn 🔥