Write a happy story
When you’re more interested in nursing your pain than nurturing healing, you’ll stay stuck where it hurts the most. Pain is a powerful teacher. You’ll eventually reach a point where you realize it’s no longer about what other people are doing to prevent you from living the Life you want, and you’ll have to admit you set yourself up to sustain the pain you’re familiar with. You’re settling for suffering. This may sound crazy, but a lot of people are afraid to heal because they don’t know what that looks like. It scares them to be whole.
When struggle, fear, guilt, shame, resentment, anger or disfunction look familiar, you can call this the “reality of Life” and this reality becomes your best friend. It’s time to break up with your negative bestie. Don’t confuse the struggle within you with the challenging circumstance around you - one is very often the consequence of the other.
Take stock of your mindset and your LifeStyle. Ask yourself if you’re really taking opportunities to learn and grow through what you go through. Are you seeking escape and entertainment more than the authentic experience of exploring everything Life brings? We all want to be happy, but for happiness to be authentic and sustainable, truth must be present. Truth isn’t something you make up; it’s something you discover. Like gems are mined and polished, the happiness you’re looking for must be unearthed from all the stuff of Life that’s covering it up. It must be dusted off, cut into and polished into something that reflects Light in a beautiful way.
There is happiness in you. You’ll find it if you’re willing to dig deep and remove what’s blocking it. You’ll find it if you’re willing to dump the dirt you let settle on your heart and your mind. Happiness is hard work. If you want to live a happy Life and not chase what looks like happiness, only to find yourself disappointed by a temporary “high,” learn to keep your heart and mind clean. That takes intentional effort to stay away from negativity, and while it’s easy to blame others, much of the negativity we experience comes from within.
Positivity isn’t always a predisposition. It’s a process. The Bible talks about being transformed by the renewing of your mind. I hear people say they “can’t change.” Everyone changes. If you experience Life and remain the same you aren’t living - you’re just existing. Life should teach and mold us, but those who refuse to learn and move with the flow of Life will always feel stuck. A stiff neck won’t bend the head so they eyes can read the book of Life. See your Life as just that - a book. You get to read it and learn, and if you don’t like what you read, you get to re-right the story. ✍🏽
❤️ Hope this helps.
Blessings on your journey. 🙏🏽✨
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