Compassion and Forgiveness

For the woman who’s been hurt, know that you can absolutely get to a place where living your best Life doesn’t mean flaunting it in the face of those who have hurt and disappointed you.  Maybe they failed you because they failed to do better when they knew better. Don’t fail to forgive.  Revenge is spiritual suicide. Don’t do it.  It takes courage to be compassionate.  Imagine being a part of the healing process of someone who caused you pain. You can. When move past emotions and choose to see the humanity in their error you hold them accountable for the way they chose to behave (behavior is a choice). Imagine showing yourself compassion and forgiving yourself for the choices you made.  

“But you don’t know what they did to me!”


“I can’t believe I let them do that to me!”

You’re right. I don’t.  But I know what you do to yourself when you choose the path of regret, resentment and revenge. You become what caused you pain because you allow it to dim your vision.  

Most people aren’t evil.  Some are broken.  Some are hurting.  Some are stuck.  Some are fighting demons daily with no weapons.  Some are ignorant.  Some are afraid.  The Bible says we don’t fight against people but against spirits in high places.  You cant pull anything down when you stay on its level.  Get higher. And stay there.  

A woman with victorious vision won’t engage in a battle that brings her or anyone else down.  You can disagree and disengage with your dignity (and theirs) intact.  This is real big woman talk.  When you’ve truly grown, you won’t want to see anyone else stay low.  

Unforgiveness places your future in a holding pattern.  You can’t soar when you’re still connected to what you’re trying to fly above.  Unforgiveness is like a thick chain, the end of which is bolted to your past. It will keep you flying in low circles of frustration, only going as high as the chain will allow. If you only break the chain, pieces of it may be attached to you.  Everything needs to break - the chain, the bolts, the shackles - EVERYTHING.  There’s freedom in forgiveness. 

Live unchained so you can love unchained. 


❤️ Hope this helps.

Blessings on your journey. 🙏🏽✨


Térésa Scotland is an author, V.I.S.I.O.N.ary Confidant, and REBT Mindset Coach with a passion for helping women heal and break free from regret to uncover unique personal vision through faith, insight and wisdom. If you need mentorship on your visionary journey, consider joining Her Victorious V.I.S.I.O.N. here.


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The “New Thing”