Dare to Bloom
If we let God’s Light shine bright from within us, we can bloom even where there is no sun shining on us. The Son of God is all the Light we need!
I have made so many excuses in my Life. I won’t list them here. This blog post would be too long. I get it. Life is…Life. It gets busy, and sometimes downright complicated. We set goals and much of the time they remain wishes in our minds or lists on a piece of paper we forgot about. Maybe you took the time to write them down but you don’t look at them every day. You might even look back on them and think you were crazy to dream so big. Putting your goals on pause is like planting seeds and waiting for a rose bush to grow, only you never water it and you keep it tucked away so it barely gets any light. Nothing blooms where there is no nurturing.
Roses are one of my favorite flowers. While doing some research on growing them I discovered that rose seeds can take from few weeks to years to germinate, depending on the species. Don’t judge your development (or lack thereof) against the backdrop of someone else’s success. You didn’t start with the same seed they did, because you aren’t supposed to grow into what they are. Each of us is a unique creation meant to bloom at a certain time, and our blooms will all look different.
The thing to focus on is not blooming, but growing. An immature plant won’t bloom. Don’t be in such a rush to see the flowers, that you forget all the growth that needs to happen at the roots, stem and leaves to sustain those gorgeous blooms. Blooming is hard work! Celebrate every new little leaf that comes in. The flowers will come in time.
I also learned that roses go dormant in the winter. Not all seasons will bring out the blooms. Dormant doesn’t mean dead. The situation that doesn’t look so good right now might look amazing in 3 days, weeks or years. Have patience. God is great at breathing new Life into just about anything! And whether the wait is short or long, it’s always worth it.
While I was in a dormant season, I created The Vision Sequence to help myself define clear goals and make a plan for getting there. I realize there are others going through the same thing, and instead of keeping things all to myself, I wanted to share this system that changed my Life so others could do it too. If you like highlighting and making notes in the margins, you can grab a paperback copy on Amazon or order the Kindle version if you’re a digital reader. I would love to help you even further, and I’m working on a course that will launch very soon. I can’t wait to personally train you through this sequence. This is what I use every day to plan my Life, and it’s such a blessing! When you follow the steps and you have any questions, please email me or leave a comment under this blog post so I can answer you. I really want to help you create a Life you love waking up to every day, so I will support you as best as I can. Promise.
Keep watering the seed of your purpose. You will bloom in good time, and it will be glorious!